Before asking a question in the forum, read through this FAQ. It tries to cover all the constantly asked questions most likely to annoy your fellow CM7 users, so you can avoid asking them. Of course, searching would be good too, but one can only expect so much.


Please note that the answers given here are designed for the AVERAGE user, and I try to focus on very simple or Yes /No responses. Sure there may be exceptions if you know ADP like the back of your hand and make your own builds using the repos, a paper clip and a broken lawn mower...but if you can do that, you likely don;t need an FAQ, now do you?


Also try the 'official' FAQ located here:




Which Nightly should I install?

The latest.


When will the final version of CM7 be released?

Never. Stable versions will be designated, but development will continue as normal.


Isn't CM7.1 Stable better than the latest Nightly?

No, its just a milestone, now a bit outdated.


Is there a Changelog?

Yes, HERE...or just look in the Sidebar.


How do I install CM7? 

Check the guides HERE or HERE.


Can I use ODIN?

No, just Recovery.


Can I use KIES?

No. Stop it or I will make you leave.


What do I do if after installing, my phone bootloops?

First just reboot the phone and see if that fixes it. If not, flash the same Nightly again.


Will I need to do a data wipe and reinstall all my apps every time I flash a new Nightly?

No. Data Wipes are only a good idea the first time you install CM7.



Can I use Froyo Bootloaders with CM7.



Can I use Gingerbread Bootloaders with CM7?



Can I use Ice Cream Sandwich Bootloaders with CM7?

I mean it, I WILL kick you right out of this FAQ.


What is the advantage of Gingerbread bootloaders?

Better battery life for most users.


I installed JVQ Bootloaders, someone just posted the new JVB Bootloaders. Should I flash them?

No. All Bootloaders are the same.


Google Apps

Where can I download the latest GAPPS?

See the link in the sidebar.


Where is the Market/Gmail/YouTube/Whatever?

Flash Gapps from Recovery.


Still no Gmail/YouTube...what now?

Likely not available in your region. Use Market Enabler.


I am having trouble with the Market. What can I do?

Check HERE.


Kernels & Modems

Which kernels can I use with CM7?

The stock kernel and one of three custom kernels: Neo, Fugu or Glitch.


Which one should I use?

OK, Out! OUT! A kernel is very individual..try each one and see what you like.


Can I use Speedmod/Tegrak/Semaphore/Whatever Kernel with CM7?

No. If you try, you will soft brick your phone.


Are Radios, Modems and Basebands the same thing?



Is there a modem that is best for CM7?

No. Try several, choose the one that is best for you. Just make sure they can be used with CM7 (look for Siky's CM7 Modem thread).



Do I need to use ADW launcher?

No it is just the default launcher provided. Install the launcher of your choice.


Why is the ADW app drawer laggy?

It just is for some users. Feel free to install the market version of ADW (free or EX), GO Launcher or LauncherPro...that will fix any lag.


Can I use Samsung codes with CM7?

No, expect for a few. Try the code and see, if won;t hurt anything.


Why is the 720p video stuttering?

Known issue, use a lower resolution.


Can I have native video calls with CM7?



Is FM Radio working?



Why can't I find my SD Card?

Check in /emmc. Also, try checking/unchecking the Use Internal Storage selection at Settings > CM Settings . Applications, then rebooting.